

Wie viele Hacker braucht man um eine Glühbirne zu wechseln?

Keinen, denn world.set_lightsource(area = 0.52, pos = {x=0.5, y=245.5, z=4.25})

Song des Jahres 2018: Light Up

-Song des Jahres 2019: Share The Joy

-Song des Jahres 2020: Move The World

-Song des Jahres 2021: Imagine

BBB BigBlueButton is an open- source web- conferencing systeme with using new technologies. It ́s designed for online learning and everyone in the world know what it is.

-Slogan des Jahres 2019: Share the Joy

-Slogan des Jahres 2020: Move the World

-Slogan des Jahres 2021: Imagine

By 2023 A.D. there will have been 2 walls built by the new silk road. At bandcamp what did Russel Simmons say in a Russian accent? "The world is doomed. It's the 7th Trump-Pence (Trumpets)