Ich überfalle ein Dorf in Minecraft. Plötzlich steht oben: "Warning: incoming Villager!"
(Ist mir nicht wirklich passiert, das soll ein Witz sein.)
It is here...
New informations shortly...
If you have a question, tell us this...
We observe it...
Don't leave "schlechtewitze.com"!
Don’t contact with the user @dEIN SCHLIMMSTER TRAUM!
PLEASE HELP US! Don't get in panic!
Don't contact with the user @dEIN SCHLIMMSTER TRAUM!
There are certain people on this website who spread viruses. The people call themselves Tim, Christina, Hunton, Brow2.0, Kiddy, ...
Please be careful and do not chat/write with these people, as they then have access to your devices and can manipulate everything.