Bill Gates passes the prototype of a "mind-reading-toilet" to Donald Trump so he can rule America without circumstances. Trump examines the latest thing and pisses. The "mind-read-loo" automatically twitters: "I piss on China!". Trump is excited and farts: The "mind-read-loo" sends automatically e-mails to build a great wall and sends Mexico instantly the bills. He shits and a computer-generated voice says: "Mr. President, you entered the password "THE_GREATEST_BULLSHIT_EVER!" to N.O.R.A.D. The nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles start in 3...2...1...launch.... Thank you for using the "mind-read-loo" and have a nice day.
Gedankenlesende Toilette
Ey Digga, check mal! Der Witz ist, weil Trump so drauf ist, dass er mit seiner Kacke Atomraketen startet, weil er dumm genug ist, das als Passwort zu nehmen. Und du so, weil du den Witz nicht gecheckt hast, bist quasi sein Sidekick in Sachen Dummheit. Ehrenmann!