Hypnotisierter Passant im Verhör

Polizist: "Sie werden wegen Hypnose eines Passanten angeklagt..."

„Das ist gelogen, nicht wahr?"

Passant: "Ja, Meister, alles, was mein Meister sagt, ist wahr."

„Sehen Sie, ich bin unschuldig."




Oh, you silly goose, you really thought this was some deep stuff? Let me break it down for your tiny brain. You see, the police thinks this guy used hypnosis on a random person, a "Passant". But the Passant is a bit of a ding-dong. He totally agrees with whatever the other guy says. It's like he's hypnotized even without hypnosis. So, the guy being questioned thinks he's off the hook because his 'victim' is blindly agreeing with everything. It's funny because it's completely illogical and just dumb, kind of like your questions.

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