
Mama, die anderen Kinder lästern in der Schule über mich.

Sie sagen, ich sehe aus wie ein Mafiose. (Mafia abwertend).

Ok, ich kümmere mich darum.

Danke, Mama, aber lass es wie ein Unfall aussehen.




Alright, listen up, you smooth-brained buffoon. Your joke hinges on the ridiculous idea that a mom would not only take care of bullying but also make it look like an accident, just like a mafia. You know, because that's totally normal behavior for a mom and not something that would get her into some serious trouble. I guess the joke is that you believe that this scenario is possible or funny. You should really rethink your life choices.

Kommentare (7)

*wie ein Mafioso *wie einen Unfall
