
Was steht auf dem Grabstein eines Freaks: "You can do all yet, but you can`t kahooting in heaven!

Jesc 2019: Share the Joy Lyrics with singers Melani Garcia: I ́ve got these butterflies, my body keeps on holding, because they going wild when i ́m excited everyday.

Erin Mai: And i love every feeling, that life brings cause im living so free, yeah. I feel free.

Liza Misnikova: When Im dreaming yeah please dont ever wake me, because im living from the love given to me!

Jordan Anthony: Whether from my Mother, my sisters or my brothers. Feel free. So free!

Karina Ignatyan: When you ever need sombody, i got you. Maybe im young, but i know what to do!

Sophia Ivanko: Not every day the greatest, yes it is true, but when you put your mind to it, you get truth!

Refrain: Just wanna share, Share the joy, Share the joy! Share the joy!

Anna Kearney:Not every day the greatest, yes its true, but when you put your mind to it, you can do!


Joana Almeida: It happen soon I feel it, there ́s honestly no secret. Trust me,yeah!,you see!

You can watch these great song at YouTube! Than write me a comment Thanks!

In the school english lesson... Teacher : ,,What is your favourite qoute ?" Student answers : ,,My favourite qoute is "You can do anything.Just get up and do it." again John : ,, Well then see you tomorrow,I'm going home now !" Ps: I would like to do that sometime...😂

I am young, but i know what to do! Time is running out to play Kashoot... Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!

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15. Russia Tatjana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak Tatjana and Denberel had a very good audition with cool Leds on the stage. The song was a bit strange, but have a great message and fits the stage well. But i felt, something was missing on the stage, of course there were any dancers and bigger special effects. Tatjana has a beautiful voice, but Denberels voice isnt perfect and maybe a bit powerless. Sorry Russia!

14. Albania Isea Cili Mikja ime Femijeri The stage was really colourful and the many leds give it a unique and also magic sense of style. Her song was very emotional and catches everyone with the pretty emotional refrain. But i fell, something was missing in the song. It was really beautiful, but not powerful enough to make it to a big contender. Iseas Voice was very good, but i know that song show not all what she can.

13. Malta Eliana Gomez Blanco We are more Her Vocals and Voice were not really great. Her song was also a bit strange and not very interesting. The stage had great leds that perfectly fits her emotional song, but something special was missing on it. I know she wasnt bad, but not good enough.

12. Serbia Darija Vracevic Podigni Glas The song is really powerful and have the perfect emotion in it. The stage was pretty with the many leds and special effects that suits the song very much. Her vocals were fantastic and she have a great strong voice. But her outfit can be a bit better.

You can watch all the songs on YouTube. Please a Dislike when you like it.

They say I am young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Its so easy to understand, that the nature is our mother. And like us, she is free, she belongs to no one. And I love all the things, that she gives me. Come with me, I cant make it alone. But together, together, were strong! I am young, but I know what to do, time is running out to save the earth! Come make a difference, we can make it work, Lets make it happen now! Soon ill be too late, i can dont make all alone. I need you know! They say that everything is normal, that the global warming is a false alarm, but i am leave in a sea of green, and the world is full from heat and fire. Its time to wake up! I know its hard but we can make it better. And all together defend our home, we must go further. Come with me, I cant make it alone, but together, together, were strong! I am young but i know what to do time is running out to save the earth. Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!

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Just keep me coming to ya, I wanna be, I could be a little princes with da hoodie, Bitch!

I am going to do nice things in the colorful rainbow to sing along with my unicorn.

You are good, I am bad... it’s impossible to say that.

Ayayayay let’s go to a party 🎉

Nothing can make me happy. I should make my slap pie

For you, and me too, sayayayay!!

Lieder in der COVID-19 Edition Teil 3

Heute ist „Count on me“ dran ___________________________________^_^

you can Corona on me

Lockdown 1,2,3

Wenn Corona kann nicht dichten oh ja ! ______________________________________ Äääh ja falls ihr noch mehr Lieder in der COVID-19 Edition wollt dann Liken

Die Impfgegner vertsteh ich echt nicht. Nehmen wir doch z.B. mal die Soldatinnen, die ohne Ausnahme nicht einen einzigen einarmigen Klimmzug hinkriegen. Sowas geht doch total gegen den Gender-Auftrag der heutigen Zeit. Den SoldatInnen könnte man mit der Corona-Impfung nebenbei ne kleine gentische Hilfe geben, damit sie sportlich nicht mehr so abschlaffen. Oder nehmen wir SchachspielerInnen. Beim richtigen Mix in der Impfung kriegt die Schachwelt vielleicht mal ne echte SchachweltmeisterIn zustande? Oder bei der KanzlerInnenpritze - vielleicht versteht die KanzlerIn dann die Statistik von diesem Hopfen-Institut, und macht dann mal einen Erfahrungsaustausch mit dem ungeschützten Weißrussland und seinen täglich 5 Toten, wo Corona irgendwie nachweisbar ist, ja das ist gar kein Massensterben dort ohne Corona-Maßnahmen, komisch, was? Naja, jedenfalls würde die Corona-Impfung ganz "Neue Horizonte" eröffnen, um mit den PR - Worten von JFK zu sprechen. Oder wir würden Obama's "Change - yes we can" endlich nicht mehr als Arabische Regierungsstürze verstehen müssen nach der richtigen Spritze. Das wär doch alles viel besser dann , oder ?


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Naruto : Sasuke , in wich room you can find Uchias Sasuke : I don't noch Naruto : In the living room

Sorry das der Auf Englisch ist , aber er funktioniert nur so

Leute bleibt zu Hause! Die Welt ist ein Thriller und alle sind Killer!

Corona ist eine Hirnerkrankung: Alle sind krank im Kopf.

Wer hat Angst vor'm Coronavirus? Niemand! Und wenn er kommt? Dann bleiben wir zuhaus!

Hast du Corona, komm bloß nicht SO nah!

Rolling stones sind verzweifelt: "I can't get no desinfection!"