Please for those who went to WJE please dont go there anymore if u guys dont want to be called nazis, yes u guys dont want to be treated like that. Those people who called u guys Nazis are looking for attention. Dont give them ur attention and be the better one please. DONT waste ur time arguing on people on WJE please.
HuskyPhoenix_647 #twenty-five% 🐦🔥
I am banned for 24 Hours so, I can’t really dosomething there
Bezetheehee Jackson
Husky is banned for no valid reason.
i am sorry to hear that, please in order to avoid fights please dont go to WJE
there are a lot of mean people
so please i am really sorry if thats how they acted towards you guys
HuskyPhoenix_647 #twenty-five% 🐦🔥
I accept no sorry from you
HuskyPhoenix_647 #twenty-five% 🐦🔥
I want one from them
they wont say sorry
HuskyPhoenix_647 #twenty-five% 🐦🔥
I don’t tolerate what they do
they wont even listen to you, they dont care about what u think and what u want
Cerberus #Undertale #Sans
I visited WJE not often, and that is the reason why. These stupid people there drive me crazy with their stupid ass insults. And thx for the warning. I wont go there anymore. But you are allright ChickyDickyChexy. All friends of G4M3R are friends of mine too.