

In Alabama brennt ein Hochhaus. Im zehnten Stockwerk steht ein Afroamerikaner. Unten haben Feuerwehrleute ein Sprungtuch ausgebreitet, aber er zögert: „Wenn das Rassisten sind, ziehen sie bestimmt im letzten Moment das Tuch weg.“

Einer der Feuerwehrmänner ruft: „Hallo, Spanier, wann springst du endlich?“

Der Afroamerikaner denkt: „Wenn sie mich für einen Chicano halten, kann ich ja springen.“ Er springt. Die Feuerwehrleute ziehen das Tuch weg und rufen: „Olé!“

One, two, three Turn it up Big wheels keep on turnin' Carry me home to see my kin Singin' songs about the south-land I miss Alabama once again and I think it's a sin, yes Well, I heard Mister Young sing about her Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down Well, I hope Neil Young will remember A southern man don't need him around anyhow Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama Lord, I'm comin' home to you In Birmingham, they love the governor (boo-hoo-hoo) Now we all did what we could do Now Watergate does not bother me Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama (oh yeah) Lord, I'm comin' home to you Here I come, Alabama Oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers And they've been known to pick a song or two (yes they do) Lord, they get me off so much They pick me up when I'm feelin' blue Now how about you? Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama Lord, I'm comin' home to you Sweet home Alabama (oh, sweet home) Where the skies are so blue And the governor's true Sweet home Alabama (Lordy) Lord, I'm comin' home to you, yeah, yeah Montgomery's got the answer

Best Lied ever:)👍🏽🥸