
(Is leider auf Englisch aber egal)

💚🌿🐾 *ATTENTION ALL THERIANS!* 🐾🌿💚 `This year, November 15th is Therian Day!`

On this occasion, it is worth not being ashamed of it for 1 day!

> wear clothes related to your theriotypes! > If you have any gear, wear that!!!

> Go to your favourite park, and do quads so that we can find each other!! *Send this to as many groups/ channels as you can!!!* `English version by:L6na🌑` 💚🌿🐾💚🌿🐾💚🌿🐾

Hoffe alle Therians hier machen da mit ist aber keine Pflicht

Bin mal wieder here! Christmas is nicht mehr far away! Wir alle know how fast die Zeit goes.

When the last Kalender-sheets flattern trough the winterstreets and Dezemberwind is blowing, then ist everybody knowing that it is not allzuweit: she does come - the Weihnachtszeit.

All the Menschen, Leute, people flippen out of ihr warm Stueble, run to Kaufhof, Aldi, Mess, make Konsum and business. Kaufen this und jene thi… Weiterlesen

Please for those who went to WJE please dont go there anymore if u guys dont want to be called nazis, yes u guys dont want to be treated like that. Those people who called u guys Nazis are looking for attention. Dont give them ur attention and be the better one please. DONT waste ur time arguing on people on WJE please.