
Hello everybody! I come in peace from the English version of this website. I just wanted to say that the community here seems far better than the one on the English site. If anybody has seen a user named Entity, please tell him how much we miss him. At least I do. Our website is a dump filled with anonyms with no life who destroy and ravage our once glorious website. I wish you all the best!

Kommentare (20)

*The English version of this site.

Entity is on this site

Wollte ich machen…

Thank you. Entity, if you are reading this, please know how sorry I am for the bullshit that has driven you away from the English site. I'm speaking on behalf of myself, Hailey, Caitlyn, and other users who have felt the absence of your presence, like me.

idk why you miss me, but its not your fault, neither its Haileys or Caitlyns. I thought this Drama is over since a long time...

No, i just got bored of the site, there wasn't happening much, except the nonsense from these Anonyms.

Thats all, i just got bored and lost motivation.

But sorry 🦄

Ich kann englisch, aber „sprich deutsch, du Hurensohn“ ist eigentlich ein weit verbreitetes Meme

Musst du nicht, habe damit gerechnet, dass es kaum jemand kennt, war ein bisschen provokant von mir ^^