
Kommentare (245)

Ich muss Google Translate verwenden.

I’m going to update my profile, so it says the same as my English account.

195 weitere Kommentare

I wasn’t able to put my name in my new account here, so I took an extra dot.

It is because ther already is a user called •••

I habe seen this user a couple of times

This user is the one who appears when I searched for •••

But, why did that prevent you from getting your name?

Names cant be here twice

But •••² and ••• should be different from each other.

Search @••• and then press search

bye ••••

Still the same person and me appears when I searched after that.

wjy do you have to go at 20:30 ADHD autist?

Ok, talk later auro- Uh, I’ll call you tomorrow, bye!

Kommentar gelöscht von ADHD autist

Because: all weekdays: sleep at 9:00 pm

Can you talk aigan tomorrow?

All weekends and vacations: 9:30 pm

Ops, I meant I have to get ready to go to bed at 8:30 pm. Sorry! I read till 9 pm or 9:30 pm, depending on days.

No problem

But, then I’ll have to go right about now, I’ll post one thing here, then I’ll log off.

Ok good night

Ok, you’ll see the post soon in a minute!

Ok, now you’ll see the post on community!

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