Dieses Lied ist von Ava Alexa Johnsen (Künstlername Joana Almeida)
Top 10 BEST Kashoot! Songs (Ranked By Views) - YouTube › watch Video zu "kashoot theme song" 6:26 This is the top 10 Kashoot songs
Time is running out to save the world
Ein echt tolles Lied. Ihr könnt es gerne anhören. Ich empfehle es! Schreibt mir in die Kommentare wie es war.
❗ Watch out for fakers! ❗
Es gibt da einen mega krassen 1920er Song!
Ich wette, du bist nicht das erste mal hier:
Könnt ihr euch noch an Joana Almeida erinnern? Vor kurzem habe ich ein Video von ihr gefunden! Schaut es euch an, falls ihr Lust habt und sich an sie erinnern könnt :)
Ich möchte so werden wie die Sänger
There are certain people on this website who spread viruses. The people call themselves Tim, Christina, Hunton, Brow2.0, Kiddy, ...
Please be careful and do not chat/write with these people, as they then have access to your devices and can manipulate everything.
-Song des Jahres 2019:
Song des Jahres 2020:
-Song des Jahres 2021: Wieso steht Bauchnabel auf dem Videotitel lmao
Ich wollte euch fragen, was diese Box ist, die in dem Video gezeigt wird. Ich weiß es nämlich nicht. Falls ihr eine Vermutung habt, schreibt mir in die Kommentare (dies ist kein Spam und auch keine Werbung. es ist ein Rätsel) Gebt mir ein Dislike, wenn ihr es gesehen habt :)
Standardtskil hat 30 Bomb 😱:
15. Russia Tatjana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak Tatjana and Denberel had a very good audition with cool Leds on the stage. The song was a bit strange, but have a great message and fits the stage well. But i felt, something was missing on the stage, of course there were any dancers and bigger special effects. Tatjana has a beautiful voice, but Denberels voice isnt perfect and maybe a bit powerless. Sorry Russia!
14. Albania Isea Cili Mikja ime Femijeri The stage was really colourful and the many leds give it a unique and also magic sense of style. Her song was very emotional and catches everyone with the pretty emotional refrain. But i fell, something was missing in the song. It was really beautiful, but not powerful enough to make it to a big contender. Iseas Voice was very good, but i know that song show not all what she can.
13. Malta Eliana Gomez Blanco We are more Her Vocals and Voice were not really great. Her song was also a bit strange and not very interesting. The stage had great leds that perfectly fits her emotional song, but something special was missing on it. I know she wasnt bad, but not good enough.
12. Serbia Darija Vracevic Podigni Glas The song is really powerful and have the perfect emotion in it. The stage was pretty with the many leds and special effects that suits the song very much. Her vocals were fantastic and she have a great strong voice. But her outfit can be a bit better.
You can watch all the songs on YouTube. Please a Dislike when you like it.