

Cosmonaut Kaku’s Court do you wanna have a good Thanksgiving with the world come to talk to Maya unhealthy I thdo

Dancing is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like Dancing

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Angus Bethunes moment‐Zusammenfassung auf Englisch (für die Klassenarbeit)

Angus can't dance but he can play good football and get good grades too. He has brown hair,he wears a siut and he is a little bit fat,because of that he is often bullied. Angus is a little bit nervous,because he was elected Winter Ball King,that means he will be out on the dance floor with Melissa Leferve,the girls of her dreams. He fell in love with Melissa since Kindergarten but he have never even talked to her.

Melissa has blonde hair,she wears earrings and a yellow dress. She looks handsome. Melissa is a helpful girl,because she shows Angus how to dance.

Rick Sanford,the boyfriend from Melissa,he is drunk.He makes fun of Angus and is disrespectful to his girlfriend Melissa.

Danke für die,die das bis hier hin gelesen haben :)

Morgen schreibe ich eine Arbeit und den Inhalt des Textes muss ich können,habt ihr noch Tipps,was ich noch ergenzen könnte inhaltlich oder auch generell? Was ich vielleicht noch bei den Charaktereigenschaften von den jeweiligen Personen ergenzen könnte😊

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Danke schonmal😊

Amactis man amactus yoyo amactus turn down and clap amactus can we feel u forever amactus yoyo amacuts my sun yo and we dance and we shout amactus shout it loud amactus i can go out with amactus my crazy amactus my sexy amactus hurray push it amactus sexy sexy amactus love-ey love-ey

Jesc 2019: Share the Joy Lyrics with singers Melani Garcia: I ́ve got these butterflies, my body keeps on holding, because they going wild when i ́m excited everyday.

Erin Mai: And i love every feeling, that life brings cause im living so free, yeah. I feel free.

Liza Misnikova: When Im dreaming yeah please dont ever wake me, because im living from the love given to me!

Jordan Anthony: Whether from my Mother, my sisters or my brothers. Feel free. So free!

Karina Ignatyan: When you ever need sombody, i got you. Maybe im young, but i know what to do!

Sophia Ivanko: Not every day the greatest, yes it is true, but when you put your mind to it, you get truth!

Refrain: Just wanna share, Share the joy, Share the joy! Share the joy!

Anna Kearney:Not every day the greatest, yes its true, but when you put your mind to it, you can do!


Joana Almeida: It happen soon I feel it, there ́s honestly no secret. Trust me,yeah!,you see!

You can watch these great song at YouTube! Than write me a comment Thanks!

....... is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like: ........