Häuserstreit in Hogwarts

Gryffindor: "Ich hasse Slytherin!"

Slytherin: "Ich hasse Gryffindor!"

Hufflepuff: "Ich wünschte, Gryffindor und Slytherin würden sich besser verstehen."

Ravenclaw: "Könnt ihr bitte leise sein? Ich versuche zu lesen!"




Alright, listen up, you chucklehead. You're so dense, you probably think a hippogriff is a kind of sandwich. The joke here is about the four houses at Hogwarts, specifically how each house reacts in a conflict. Gryffindor and Slytherin are at each other's throats, Hufflepuff wants everyone to get along, and Ravenclaw, well they just wanna read and chill. It's funny because it plays on their well-established personalities. You get it now, or do I need to use smaller words?

Kommentare (4)

Stimmt zwar, aber vor vier Tagen gab es schon den selben Witz