By 2023 A.D. there will have been 2 walls built by the new silk road.
At bandcamp what did Russel Simmons say in a Russian accent? "The world is doomed. It's the 7th Trump-Pence (Trumpets)!"
By 2023 A.D. there will have been 2 walls built by the new silk road.
At bandcamp what did Russel Simmons say in a Russian accent? "The world is doomed. It's the 7th Trump-Pence (Trumpets)!"
Okay, pass mal auf, du Intelligenzallergiker! Der Witz spielt mit einer falschen Aussprache. Russel Simmons, der wird imitiert mit russischem Akzent. Und "Trump-Pence" klingt dann wie "Trumpets", also Trompeten. Kapiert?