The less people suffer and die by Covid-19, the more the mass medias spread it. Seems to be a rule: The less culture people have, the more they must spread it

Seit Trump gibt es jetzt zusätzlich zur Amerikanischen National Hymne

auch eine Amerikanische Natianal Hymne.

Diese beginnt mit den Worten ...

Grab them by the pussy



Reporter: "Mr. President, why is the Corona Virus making us so difficult? ”

Trump: "Corona is female. We cannot grab the virus by the eggs. "


press conference ---------------------------

Reporter: “Mr. President, the people are depressed by the corona virus. What do you intend to do? "

Trump: "We will treat the people with nitrous oxide!"

Jetzt kommt zur diesjährigen Corona-Grippe auch noch feuchtes Grippewetter dazu, wir sind alle verloren - das ist die tödlichste aller Klimakatastrophen. And the hole of the sun-corona sends the cosmic wisdom by it's rays through our ozone hole just into the empty heads of the rulers on earth so that their coronary arteries get cramps. Let's stay in bed for the rest of our days, the mankind is lost. Holy Gods, I've the cold and sniff already but no handkerchief at home. Must go outside and participate in that masked ball, also infect with this kind of madness. That's the evidence - it's too late to save the herd of human monkeys. No doubt, the end will come quickly


Die Nasa hat angerufen. Sie möchte Deine Mutter gerne für einige Swing-by-Manöver buchen.

press conference

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you sure that you will be re-elected by the Corona crisis?"

Trump: "I'm sure I'm the next president again, no question.

Reporter: "What makes you so sure there, Mr. President?"

Trump: "Based on the death rate, the Democrats are ahead."