Wen deine Mutter ihre Tage hat wird ganz America überflutet
Mr. Präsident, welches Land wird unter Ihrer Politik am schnellsten untergehen?
"America first?"
Yes, you can.
Bill Gates passes the prototype of a "mind-reading-toilet" to Donald Trump so he can rule america without circumstances. Trump examines the latest thing an pisses. The "mind-read-loo" autamtically twitters: "I piss on China". Trump is exited and farts: the "mind-read-loo" sends automatcally e-mails to built a great wall and sends Mexico instantly the bills. He shits and a computer generated voice says: "Mr. President. You entered the password "THE_GREATEST_BULLSHIT_EVER!" to N.O.R.A.D. The nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles start in 3...2...1...launch.... Tank you for using the "mind-read-loo" and have a nice day.
Deine Mutter lässt in der Küche einen Teller fallen und schreit:"Hilfe, Captain America ist da!!!"