High School


In einem Mathetest an der High School hat Chuck Norris "Gewalt" als Antwort auf alle Fragen aufgeschrieben.

Er bekam eine 1 plus, da Chuck Norris all seine Probleme mit Gewalt löst.

Angus Bethunes moment‐Zusammenfassung auf Englisch (für die Klassenarbeit)

Angus can't dance but he can play good football and get good grades too. He has brown hair,he wears a siut and he is a little bit fat,because of that he is often bullied. Angus is a little bit nervous,because he was elected Winter Ball King,that means he will be out on the dance floor with Melissa Leferve,the girls of her dreams. He fell in love with Melissa since Kindergarten but he have never even talked to her.

Melissa has blonde hair,she wears earrings and a yellow dress. She looks handsome. Melissa is a helpful girl,because she shows Angus how to dance.

Rick Sanford,the boyfriend from Melissa,he is drunk.He makes fun of Angus and is disrespectful to his girlfriend Melissa.

Danke für die,die das bis hier hin gelesen haben :)

Morgen schreibe ich eine Arbeit und den Inhalt des Textes muss ich können,habt ihr noch Tipps,was ich noch ergenzen könnte inhaltlich oder auch generell? Was ich vielleicht noch bei den Charaktereigenschaften von den jeweiligen Personen ergenzen könnte😊

Für Tipps/Feedback in die Kommentare👇

Danke schonmal😊

n Germany gives a compulsory schooling from the age of 6 and many children visit the kindergarten before. You leave the primary school from the 4th grade, if you no replay a grade. After that you go to high school or another school. Mostly the lessons starts at 8 A.M. and it ends at 13:25 P.M. The school year consists of two half-years. In the federal countries are holidays differently. From the age of 16 , of the end of the 10th grade, you does the middle schoolend,if you pass it you can go to sec 2 to get his high school diploma.