Unterhalten sich 2 Mädchen anno 2005: "Meine Eltern waren am 11.09.2001 in New York. Das einzige was ich bekommen habe war ein blutiges T- Shirt und später ein paar Knochenfragmente." "Also deshalb sind sie nie mehr wieder gekommen. Die haben sich bestimmt im World Trade Center zu Tode geschämt."
A brand new piece of information from the Longwave Transmitter Motala (189 Khz), Sweden: "Gretha Thunberg will reciewe the next "Nobel Prize in Physics" in 2023! The reason why is, she found a dimmer against the solar wind on her sailing trip on a lonely island! Now the earth is forever protectet from overheating!!!" Uwe Schmidt, Neubrandenburg
Bill Gates passes the latest prototype of the "mind-reading-loo" to Donald J. Trump, so he can rule USA 24 hours a day from his new throne. The "mind-reading-loo" is part of the internet of things and connected to all electronics worldwide. Trump checks the new toy. He pisses and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "China gets pissed first!". Trump let go a fart and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "Forget climate change, enviromental pollution and shut down the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency". Trump shits and a computer generatetd voice announces: "Thank you Mr. pesident, for doing the biggest bullshit ever! All missiles were launched successfully." The toilet flushes automatically and twitters: "The swamp in Washington is now drained."