VoePass2283: „You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round....“💀
War does not determine who is right. It determines who is left.
"Hey Elon Musk, wanna hear a joke?"
"Yeah, sure."
"I don't get it."
"That's right!"
When nothing goes right, go left.
Linke Gehirnhälfte 46% Rechte Gehirnhälfte 54%
Deine Mutter so cool sie macht dir sogar essen in Minecraft!111!!!! AM I RIGHT?!?!?!?
tiddies, right lads?
Im Deutschunterricht für Deutschlernende: - Harry Smith: hey John, before I learned physics. And I thought, it's very difficult. That was so easy when you see this here... - John Winley: You' re right.
The only way to the right place ist on dies Place 😞😞😞💰💳💲💱💸🎂🎈📱📲📣📡📢📐📏💾💺⛺📈⛺📈🎵📀🎻🎸I Bims Anonym 1780
Petra left side Petra right side Petra up Petra down muneer bumms Petra die Lelek Frau Petra du yarak fighter
When I push the right buttons, he's turned on and hot. Ich rede von meiner Heizung.