ich: Was ist dein lieblings spiel freund: sea of thieves ich: sea of thieves nust can fit in your mouth
Welches Buch würdet ihr mitnehmen wenn ihr auf einer sandigen Insel gestrandet Wärt?
Harry: the old man at the sea.
Seamus: Harry Potter
Hermine: Jilly Cooper oder die Bibel
Ginny: der große Gatsby
Fred und George: Wie man ein Floß baut
They say I am young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Its so easy to understand, that the nature is our mother. And like us, she is free, she belongs to no one. And I love all the things, that she gives me. Come with me, I cant make it alone. But together, together, were strong! I am young, but I know what to do, time is running out to save the earth! Come make a difference, we can make it work, Lets make it happen now! Soon ill be too late, i can dont make all alone. I need you know! They say that everything is normal, that the global warming is a false alarm, but i am leave in a sea of green, and the world is full from heat and fire. Its time to wake up! I know its hard but we can make it better. And all together defend our home, we must go further. Come with me, I cant make it alone, but together, together, were strong! I am young but i know what to do time is running out to save the earth. Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!
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Deine Mudda ist so fett, dass wenn sie duschen gehen will, sie zum Sea Life gehen muss!!
Chuck Norris Mutter ist so fett, sie ist im Sea Life getauft worden.