
They say im young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Lets make it happen now and save our planet!

Was steht auf dem Grabstein eines Minecraft spielers?

Antwort: You was banned from the Real Live Server.

steve alex und ien chinese machen eine wette wer kann am längsten auf dem nagelbrett stehen alex: 20 stunden Steve hatte kein bock steve left the game der chinese 30 jahre alex und stve haben gefragt wie könnstest du 30 jahre stehen bleiben? dert chinese ching chang chong Chinese ist nicht dumm treh das Nagelbrett einfach um

n Germany gives a compulsory schooling from the age of 6 and many children visit the kindergarten before. You leave the primary school from the 4th grade, if you no replay a grade. After that you go to high school or another school. Mostly the lessons starts at 8 A.M. and it ends at 13:25 P.M. The school year consists of two half-years. In the federal countries are holidays differently. From the age of 16 , of the end of the 10th grade, you does the middle schoolend,if you pass it you can go to sec 2 to get his high school diploma.

Wie heisst die neue Amerikanische Nationalhymne, die Donald J. Trump ausgesucht hat? "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod"

(Original: "Once upon a time in the west" H. Mancini)


In the school english lesson... Teacher : ,,What is your favourite qoute ?" Student answers : ,,My favourite qoute is "You can do anything.Just get up and do it." again John : ,, Well then see you tomorrow,I'm going home now !" Ps: I would like to do that sometime...😂

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