Alle Kinder spielen Fortnite, nur nicht Fritz, der hat den Fall Guys Battle Pass. "I just shit out my ash." Booted up my PC cause I need, need To get the Fall Guys Battle Pass.

I like Fall Guys, did I mention Fall Guys? I like Fall Guys, it's nighttime.

Meintest du: Kashoot is used almost exclusively in the phrase "in Kashoots," which means "in an alliance or partnership." In most contexts, it describes the conspiring activity of people up to no good.

Freundin: "Sieht mein Make-up gut aus?" Freund: "Du brauchst kein Make-up ❤️❤️❤️💕" Freundin: "Aww 💕❤️💕 😘 Danke" Freund: "Du brauchst eine Schönheits-OP 😂😂😂" Freundin: "😑😑😑😑"

In the school english lesson... Teacher : ,,What is your favourite qoute ?" Student answers : ,,My favourite qoute is "You can do anything.Just get up and do it." again John : ,, Well then see you tomorrow,I'm going home now !" Ps: I would like to do that sometime...😂