Hitler sagte zu Stalin 1940: "Wenn ihr kämpfen wollt, dann bis zum bitteren Ende und nicht wie im Ersten Weltkrieg den Schwanz einziehen." 1945. Die Russen marschieren in Deutschland ein und Hitler denkt sich: "Hätte ich mein maul gehalten."

Mama, darf ich heute ins Schwimmbad? Das Ein-Meter-Brett wird heute eröffnet. Mutter: Ja, aber pass auf, mein Sohn. Der Sohn kommt nach Hause. Sohn: Ich habe mir ein Bein gebrochen. Mama, darf ich wieder ins Schwimmbad? Das Drei-Meter-Brett wird heute eröffnet. Mutter: Ja, aber pass gut auf. Der Sohn kommt mit zwei gebrochenen Händen nach Hause. Sohn: Mama, darf ich wieder ins Schwimmbad? Das Wasser wird heute reingelassen!!!!

Dancing is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like Dancing

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"Homeschooling" is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing you`ve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time you`ll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like "Homeschooling"

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Angus Bethunes Moment-Zusammenfassung auf Englisch (für die Klassenarbeit)

Angus can't dance but he can play good football and get good grades too. He has brown hair, he wears a suit and he is a little bit fat, because of that he is often bullied. Angus is a little bit nervous, because he was elected Winter Ball King, that means he will be out on the dance floor with Melissa Leferve, the girl of his dreams. He fell in love with Melissa since Kindergarten but he has never even talked to her.

Melissa has blonde hair, she wears earrings and a yellow dress. She looks handsome. Melissa is a helpful girl, because she shows Angus how to dance.

Rick Sanford, the boyfriend from Melissa, he is drunk. He makes fun of Angus and is disrespectful to his girlfriend Melissa.

Danke für die, die das bis hier hin gelesen haben :)

Morgen schreibe ich eine Arbeit und den Inhalt des Textes muss ich können, habt ihr noch Tipps, was ich noch ergänzen könnte inhaltlich oder auch generell? Was ich vielleicht noch bei den Charaktereigenschaften von den jeweiligen Personen ergänzen könnte😊

Für Tipps/Feedback in die Kommentare👇

Danke schonmal😊

Rest In Peace Humphrey, A tribute

Bearded-Dragon Care 1540 Abonnenten Back in October Humphrey passed away, and I only just finished making this in memory of her. It was incredibly difficult to do, seeing her videos from the past made it very hard for me to edit and put together so I did little bits every few days. I really miss her, and it was 5 years ago today that I bought her from the pet store, so that hurts even more. I hope you guys 'like' what I've put together for her, and mainly for me to see how much we did together. Thankyou for watching, and if you've read this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.