

Geht nur auf Englisch😅

I've already asked so many people what LGBTQ stands for, but no one could give me a straight answer.

I have a joke on timetravel, but you guys didn‘t like it, so I wanted to post a joke on dark matter, but you won‘t be able to see it. Unfortunately, my joke on black hole really sucks. I‘d also have a joke on quantum physics, but you wouldn‘t get it. So finally, I could offer a joke on Edison, but it is copied.

Savage Love in der COVID-19 Edition Teil 3 _____________________________________________

Covid Love

Infekt Buddy Infekt Buddy

Ist sehr Hot

COVID-19,null +neuenzehn

But is Covid Love

Wenn du Kiss me

Ich zieh die Maske auf _____________________________________________ Danke das ihr meine Witze immer so Liket

Bitte Liken für Teil 4 Dankööö schöööö

Two Italian men get on a bus...

They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. They speak with an Italian accent.

The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:

"Emma come first.

Den I come.

Den two asses come together.

I come once-a-more.

Two asses, they come together again.

I come again and pee twice.

Then I come one lasta time."

"You foul-mouthed swine," retorted the lady indignantly.

"In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public!"

"Hey, coola down lady," said the man.

"Who talkin' abouta sexa?

I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spella 'Mississippi'."

Bewerbungsgespräch in einer US-Firma. Der Personalchef fragt: "Can you perform under pressure?" - Der Bewerber antwortet: "No, but I can do Bohemian Rhapsody for you!"

Savage Love COVID 19 Edition Teil 2(Halt und Teil 1+2) _____________________________________________ Covid Love

Infekt Buddy, Infekt Buddy

Ist sehr hot

Covid-19 null +neue zehn

But it is COVID Love _____________________________________________ Sorry kein einfach nicht dichten :)

Lieder in der COVID-19 Edition Teil 7 Heute ist „My ex best friend“ dran .

______________________________________ Du nicht My Favorite denn du Corona its nicht okaydet

Ich lese jetzt viele text ,then es ist langweilig.

But never say Corona ist vorbei....

Aber wir können es schaffen das Virus zu besiegen ______________________________________ Never say Never !#bleibtgesund

Dancing is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like Dancing

Please give me a like. I hope you had a little bit fun while reading this. Thanks fpr enjoying it. 😍