Was ist der faulste Berg der Welt?
Der Mount Ever-rest!
Was ist der faulste Berg der Welt?
Der Mount Ever-rest!
Snape und Quirrel besteigen den Mount Everest. Auf halber Strecke nach oben stottert Quirrel: "W- Wir h- haben -" "Erzähls mit wenn wir oben sind", unterbricht ihn Snape. Oben angekommen sagt Quirrel: "W- Wir h- haben die Z- Zelte unten v- vergessen!" Also fangen sie an, wieder runter zu steigen. Auf halber Strecke nach unten stottert Quirrel wieder: "D- das war-" "Sag's mir, wenn wir unten sind!" , fährt Snape ihn an. Wieder unten am Fuß des Bergessagt Quirrel: "D- das war ein Sch- Sch- Scherz!"
Chuck Norris hat binnen 23 Minuten den Mount Everest bestiegen. Es hätte nur 10 Minuten in Anspruch genommen, wenn der Berg nicht versucht hätte zu flüchten.
Ich wollte neulich den Mount Everest besteigen, fand dann aber keinen Parkplatz.
Was sagen Wither, wenn sie nein sagen wollen?
Antwort: Never ever.
Alle die nicht Sarah mit h heißen und andere mobben nur weil sie kein h am Ende haben und Sara heißen zu denen komm ich nach Hause und ich werde alle ermorden und in die Hölle schicken die meiner Freundin das antuen .
( bester sitzt Ever ) ( war ernst gemeint )
Frage: Welcher war der höchsten Berg der Welt bevor der Mount Everest entdeckt wurde? - Antwort: Der Mount Everest (er war halt nur nicht entdeckt)
....... is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like: ........
Writing jokes is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like writing jokes
Dancing is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like Dancing
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"Homeschooling" is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing you`ve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time you`ll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like "Homeschooling"
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Colin is one of the humans ever...
Der beste Grund ever,warum wir in die Schule nicht gehen sollten xD :
Chuck Norris ist neulich auf den Mount Everest gefahren. Mit dem U-Boot!
Es tut mir Leid an alle die ich beleidigt habe!
Hahaha! Bester Witz ever!
Jesc 2019: Share the Joy Lyrics with singers Melani Garcia: I ́ve got these butterflies, my body keeps on holding, because they going wild when i ́m excited everyday.
Erin Mai: And i love every feeling, that life brings cause im living so free, yeah. I feel free.
Liza Misnikova: When Im dreaming yeah please dont ever wake me, because im living from the love given to me!
Jordan Anthony: Whether from my Mother, my sisters or my brothers. Feel free. So free!
Karina Ignatyan: When you ever need sombody, i got you. Maybe im young, but i know what to do!
Sophia Ivanko: Not every day the greatest, yes it is true, but when you put your mind to it, you get truth!
Refrain: Just wanna share, Share the joy, Share the joy! Share the joy!
Anna Kearney:Not every day the greatest, yes its true, but when you put your mind to it, you can do!
Joana Almeida: It happen soon I feel it, there ́s honestly no secret. Trust me,yeah!,you see!
You can watch these great song at YouTube! Than write me a comment Thanks!
One, two, three Turn it up Big wheels keep on turnin' Carry me home to see my kin Singin' songs about the south-land I miss Alabama once again and I think it's a sin, yes Well, I heard Mister Young sing about her Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down Well, I hope Neil Young will remember A southern man don't need him around anyhow Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama Lord, I'm comin' home to you In Birmingham, they love the governor (boo-hoo-hoo) Now we all did what we could do Now Watergate does not bother me Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truth Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama (oh yeah) Lord, I'm comin' home to you Here I come, Alabama Oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama, oh, oh, oh Alabama Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers And they've been known to pick a song or two (yes they do) Lord, they get me off so much They pick me up when I'm feelin' blue Now how about you? Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet home Alabama Lord, I'm comin' home to you Sweet home Alabama (oh, sweet home) Where the skies are so blue And the governor's true Sweet home Alabama (Lordy) Lord, I'm comin' home to you, yeah, yeah Montgomery's got the answer
Best Lied ever:)👍🏽🥸