

A little Weihnachtsgedicht When the snow falls wunderbar, and the children happy are. When the Glatteis on the street, and we all a Glühwein need. Then you know, es ist soweit. she is here, the Weihnachtszeit.

Every Parkhaus is besetzt, weil die people fahren jetzt. All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt, kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things, and the Christmasglocke rings.Mother in the kitchen bakes, Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks. Daddy in the Nebenraum, schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum. He is hanging off the balls, then he from the Leiter falls.

Finaly the Kinderlein, to the Zimmer kommen rein. And it sings the family schauerlich: "Oh, Chistmastree!" And then jeder in the house, is packing the Geschenke aus.Mama finds unter the Tanne, eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne. Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in TV, all around is Harmonie. Bis mother in the kitchen runs, im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr, with Tatü, tata daher. And they bring a long, long Schlauch, and a long, long Leiter auch. And they schrei - "Wasser marsch!", Christmas now is in the Eimer.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits!

Die aktuellen Corona-Hits

1. Helene Fischer - Atemschutz 2. Mickie Krause - Bleibt doch zu Hause.... 3. Udo Jürgens - Ich war noch niemals in Wuhan 4. Die Lollipops - Wer hat das Klopapier geklaut? 5. Dolls United - Eine Insel ohne Gäste 6. Jürgen Drews - Ein Bett für Corona fehlt 7. Spider Murphy Gang - Fallzahl im Sperrbezirk 8. Lale Andersen - Ein Schiff muss bleiben 9. Roger Whittaker - Ein bisschen Corona 10. Dschingis Khan - Sag-, Sag-, Sagrotan


Jesc 2019: Share the Joy Lyrics with singers Melani Garcia: I ́ve got these butterflies, my body keeps on holding, because they going wild when i ́m excited everyday.

Erin Mai: And i love every feeling, that life brings cause im living so free, yeah. I feel free.

Liza Misnikova: When Im dreaming yeah please dont ever wake me, because im living from the love given to me!

Jordan Anthony: Whether from my Mother, my sisters or my brothers. Feel free. So free!

Karina Ignatyan: When you ever need sombody, i got you. Maybe im young, but i know what to do!

Sophia Ivanko: Not every day the greatest, yes it is true, but when you put your mind to it, you get truth!

Refrain: Just wanna share, Share the joy, Share the joy! Share the joy!

Anna Kearney:Not every day the greatest, yes its true, but when you put your mind to it, you can do!


Joana Almeida: It happen soon I feel it, there ́s honestly no secret. Trust me,yeah!,you see!

You can watch these great song at YouTube! Than write me a comment Thanks!

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