The less people suffer and die by Covid-19, the more the mass medias spread it. Seems to be a rule: The less culture people have, the more they must spread it

Piper: wer denkt ihr ist heißer? Percy oder Jason? Ich denke Jason.

Annabeth: Percy

Rachel: Percy

Reihna: Percy

Welt: Percy

Universum: Percy

Percy: I‘m sexy and I know it!

Nico: Percy

Percy:... Warte was?


Other names for the Harry Potter movies: Harry Potter and the time I thought it was Snape. Harry Potter and the time I thought it was Draco. Harry Potter and the time I thought it was Sirius. Harry Potter and the time I thought it was Karkarof. Harry Potter and the time everyone new it was Umbridge. Harry Potter and the time it was actually Draco. Harry Potter and the time it was Dumbledore all along.


Press conference: ----------------------------- Reporter: "Mr. President, what are the rules after the end of the corona crisis."

Trump: "After Corona, there are no rules anymore. Buy a 45 magnum. It will be the Wild Wild West "

Terminator ---------------- Reporter: "Mr. President, is it true that a terminator does not get a corona virus?"

Trump: "Yes, we have already ordered 330 million."

Sun: The sun is the ball of fire in the sky that the earth goes round. It gives us light and heat.

Ich weis das, dass kein witz ist ober cool

Bewerber: "Guten Tag, ich würde gerne bei Ubisoft arbeiten!" Ubisoft: "Ja, haben Sie denn schon Erfahrung mit Servern?" Bewerber: "Was sind Server?" Ubisoft: "Willkommen bei Ubisoft!"


Amactis man amactus yoyo amactus turn down and clap amactus can we feel u forever amactus yoyo amacuts my sun yo and we dance and we shout amactus shout it loud amactus i can go out with amactus my crazy amactus my sexy amactus hurray push it amactus sexy sexy amactus love-ey love-ey

A little Weihnachtsgedicht When the snow falls wunderbar, and the children happy are. When the Glatteis on the street, and we all a Glühwein need. Then you know, es ist soweit. she is here, the Weihnachtszeit.

Every Parkhaus is besetzt, weil die people fahren jetzt. All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt, kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things, and the Christmasglocke rings. Mother in the kitchen bakes, Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks. Daddy in the Nebenraum, schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum. He is hanging off the balls, then he from the Leiter falls.

Finaly the Kinderlein, to the Zimmer kommen rein. And it sings the family schauerlich: "Oh, Chistmastree!" And then jeder in the house, is packing the Geschenke aus. Mama finds unter the Tanne, eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne. Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in TV, all around is Harmonie. Bis mother in the kitchen runs, im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr, with Tatü, tata daher. And they bring a long, long Schlauch, and a long, long Leiter auch. And they schrei - "Wasser marsch!", Christmas now is in the Eimer.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits!

Stefan Raab und und Justin Biber liefern sich ein Rennen. Justin Biber: "BABY!" Stefan Raab: "Halt die Fresse! AHHAHHHAHHHHAHHHHHHH! Oh das war der Lambo von Justin... Lebst du noch???" Justin: "BABAWAGEN! So it looks nicer!"