A reporter asks Trump during a press confernce: "Lies and alternative facts are the same, isn't it?" Trump: "I tell you no lies, you must see the alternative fucks."

"Was kostet die Angel?" "19,99€" "Das ist aber günstig. Wo ist der Haken?" "Es gibt keinen Haken."

Trump-Witze auf Englisch

What does Melania see in Donald Trump? -- 10 billion dollars and high cholesterol.

How does Donald Trump plan on deporting illegal immigrants? -- Juan by Juan.

If Donald Trump becomes President, it won't be the first time he's kicked a black family out of their home.

What is Donald Trump telling Barack Obama supporters? -- Orange Is The New Black.

What did Donald Trump do before criticizing illegals? -- He made sure his pools were clean and his lawns were mowed.


Zwei Indianer sehen zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben Wasserski. "Warum rast das Boot so?", fragt der eine. Darauf der andere: "Der Mann am Seil verfolgt es."