Was steht auf den Krabs eines Mathe lerrers ( in) da mit hat er nicht gerechnet ( sie) was steht auf den Krabs eins echten gemers you at Bend von den weleifsöver 😂🤣
"You can do anything.Just get up and do it."
do you want to be my friend ?
diD yOu JuSt asSummE my GneDeR!
Was steht auf dem Grabstein von Iron-Man? "Alle Steine zu mir."
"I love you 3000."
Trump besucht Angela Merkel. Sie fragt ihn: "Wie kann ich wieder Bundeskanzlerin werden?" Trump klebt sich zum Spaß einen Oberlippenbart und sagt: "Lass mich reden vor dem Bundestag! I talk for you! Make Germany great again!" Merkel: "Gute Idee. Die glauben das!"
Jesc 2019: Share the Joy Lyrics with singers Melani Garcia: I ́ve got these butterflies, my body keeps on holding, because they going wild when i ́m excited everyday.
Erin Mai: And i love every feeling, that life brings cause im living so free, yeah. I feel free.
Liza Misnikova: When Im dreaming yeah please dont ever wake me, because im living from the love given to me!
Jordan Anthony: Whether from my Mother, my sisters or my brothers. Feel free. So free!
Karina Ignatyan: When you ever need sombody, i got you. Maybe im young, but i know what to do!
Sophia Ivanko: Not every day the greatest, yes it is true, but when you put your mind to it, you get truth!
Refrain: Just wanna share, Share the joy, Share the joy! Share the joy!
Anna Kearney:Not every day the greatest, yes its true, but when you put your mind to it, you can do!
Joana Almeida: It happen soon I feel it, there ́s honestly no secret. Trust me,yeah!,you see!
You can watch these great song at YouTube! Than write me a comment Thanks!
Wenn ein Wal deine Mutter sieht dann springt er aus dem Meer und singt
We are family you are fatter than me
Writing jokes is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like writing jokes
Thank you for all support :))
Journalist: What inspired you to use the rainbow flag in your logo? Company owner: money! :}
....... is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like: ........
Do you see sharp? (C#)
2 Männer in der Baden Halle Dusche (mit Humor) Ein Schwarzer und ein Weißer
S zu W : oh du hast ja auf dein Penis ein M A Drauf was bedeutet es ?
W zu S : oh das bedeutet wenn es steif wird die Name meiner Frau Magdalena Albert S: oh das ist ja schön sehr gut W zu S : oh du hast ja auch ein tatoo auf dein penis drauf. Was bedeutet H a ?
S zu W : oh ja wenn mein penis steif wird bedeutet es hello and i wish you a good life for the best golden amerika
Bill Gates passes the prototype of a "mind-reading-toilet" to Donald Trump so he can rule america without circumstances. Trump examines the latest thing an pisses. The "mind-read-loo" autamtically twitters: "I piss on China". Trump is exited and farts: the "mind-read-loo" sends automatcally e-mails to built a great wall and sends Mexico instantly the bills. He shits and a computer generated voice says: "Mr. President. You entered the password "THE_GREATEST_BULLSHIT_EVER!" to N.O.R.A.D. The nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles start in 3...2...1...launch.... Tank you for using the "mind-read-loo" and have a nice day.
i have the camp fire ben and you not even full live
You know the desert? It sucks there! Because there are no trees!
I LOVE YOU 🌹💖🌹💖😘😘 ALSO NICHT CORONA DU NICHT und auch justin fieber und Mathias keim die mag ich auch nicht
Roses are red, violets are blue. I thought Voldemort is ugly, but then I saw you.