Paluten freedom is a great place to work for you and your family is very important to us and we are so happy for you p and p for the love of your life for your family and friends and friends and your family is very important in your life and your family

Was is brutal? ein Baby in einer Mülltonne!

Was is brutaler? 5 Babys eine Mülltonne!

Und was ist am brutalsten ? 1baby 5 Mülltonnen!

Bill Gates passes the latest prototype of the "mind-reading-loo" to Donald J. Trump, so he can rule USA 24 hours a day from his new throne. The "mind-reading-loo" is part of the internet of things and connected to all electronics worldwide. Trump checks the new toy. He pisses and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "China gets pissed first!". Trump let go a fart and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "Forget climate change, enviromental pollution and shut down the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency". Trump shits and a computer generatetd voice announces: "Thank you Mr. pesident, for doing the biggest bullshit ever! All missiles were launched successfully." The toilet flushes automatically and twitters: "The swamp in Washington is now drained."