Deine Mudda ihr Bandwurm schaut bei All You Can Eat auf die Speisekarte u d sagt zum Kellner: OK!
Trump besucht Angela Merkel. Sie fragt ihn: "Wie kann ich wieder Bundeskanzlerin werden?" Trump klebt sich zum Spaß einen Oberlippenbart und sagt: "Lass mich reden vor dem Bundestag! I talk for you! Make Germany great again!" Merkel: "Gute Idee. Die glauben das!"
Mr. Prasident, die Welt braucht keine Schnullerpolitk.
You are fired!
Mr. Präsident, welches Land wird unter Ihrer Politik am schnellsten untergehen?
"America first?"
Yes, you can.
A reporter asks Trump during a press confernce: "Lies and alternative facts are the same, isn't it?" Trump: "I tell you no lies, you must see the alternative fucks."
Bill Gates passes the latest prototype of the "mind-reading-loo" to Donald J. Trump, so he can rule USA 24 hours a day from his new throne. The "mind-reading-loo" is part of the internet of things and connected to all electronics worldwide. Trump checks the new toy. He pisses and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "China gets pissed first!". Trump let go a fart and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "Forget climate change, enviromental pollution and shut down the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency". Trump shits and a computer generatetd voice announces: "Thank you Mr. pesident, for doing the biggest bullshit ever! All missiles were launched successfully." The toilet flushes automatically and twitters: "The swamp in Washington is now drained."
Bill Gates passes the prototype of a "mind-reading-toilet" to Donald Trump so he can rule america without circumstances. Trump examines the latest thing an pisses. The "mind-read-loo" autamtically twitters: "I piss on China". Trump is exited and farts: the "mind-read-loo" sends automatcally e-mails to built a great wall and sends Mexico instantly the bills. He shits and a computer generated voice says: "Mr. President. You entered the password "THE_GREATEST_BULLSHIT_EVER!" to N.O.R.A.D. The nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles start in 3...2...1...launch.... Tank you for using the "mind-read-loo" and have a nice day.
No matter how kind you are, German children will always be kinder.
Deine Mutter bestellt sich immer zweimal All-you-can-eat.
Deine Mutter sieht sich bei "All you can eat" die Menükarte an und sagt zum Kellner: "OK!"
Ein SQL-Query kommt in eine Bar, geht zu zwei Tischen und fragt: "Kann ich mich zu euch joinen?"
Do you see sharp? (C#)