Harry : Girls are so hot Hermine : Boys are so Hot Ginny : Why ist Every Body so hot ? Luna : Global Warming
roses are red violins are gay I said this joke because your Gay😂😂😂
Wenn ich auf diese Website gehe ich so
„Here we are now entertain us 😂
Roses are red, violets are blue, Thomas the train gets dropped by a b-52.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, but i wanna no what your mouth can do
Ich: Mama, soll ich die Hauptfigur in dem Buch, das ich schreibe, töten, um die Sache interessanter zu machen?
Mama: Klar, mein Schatz! Was für ein Buch schreibst du denn?
Ich: Es ist eine Autobiografie.
Roses are red vilits are gray I say this to you because you are Gay
Roses are red, Violetts are blue, ich trage nur einen Schuh.
sry but the witztes here are sehry not funny
Amerikaner: "Hey you, why the hell you wear a mask here in Death Valley??? Are you a #Kartoffelvirus? harharhar..."
2.Tjark All the Kids are Swimming with dolphins only Tjark swims with a shark
No matter how kind you are, german children are kinder.
Was steht auf dem Grabstein eines Gamers? „You are banned from the real-life server.“
Meine grau-haarige fette Oma springt ins Meer und alle Wale singen: ,,We are Family!“
Was steht auf dem Grabstein eines Gamers? You are banned from the real life Server!
Wenn ein Wal deine Mutter sieht dann springt er aus dem Meer und singt
We are family you are fatter than me
Deine Mudda ist so fett,dass ein Wahl aus dem mehr springt und singt:We are family, even though you are fatter then me!
Mein Freund ist so fett. Immer wenn er am Strand herumläuft, springen die Wale aus dem Meer und singen: "We are Family!"
„Harry“ : I wanted to tell you something. „Umbridge“ : Go ahead. „Harry“ : Rose’s are red, Violets are blue, I thought Voldemort was ugly, than I saw YOU.
....... is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing youve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time youll learn to enjoy it.
So if you love sex you will like: ........