

Kommt Klaus in den Puff und verlangt eine mit AIDS.

Fragt die Hausherrin: "Wieso um Gottes Willen mit AIDS? Wir haben doch viele bezaubernde junge gesunde Mädels hier..."

"Ohne AIDS wirds nix!"

"Dann sag mal wenigstens wieso?"

"Ich möchte mich an meinem scheiß Nachbar rächen!"

"Was hat denn dein Nachbar damit zu tun?"

"Wenn die Prostituierte AIDS hat, dann krieg ichs von ihr, meine Schwester von mir, der Vater von der Schwester, die Mutter vom Vater, der Nachbar von der Mutter und dann werden wir sehen wer mir nochmal den Ball wegnimmt!"

Dichtwettbewerb in Australien! Im Finale stehen ein Priester und ein Schafhirte. Beide bekommen die Aufgabe, innerhalb von fünf Minuten einen Vierzeiler zu dichten, in dem das Wort „Timbuktu“ vorkommt. Nach fünf Minuten Bedenkzeit tritt der Priester ans Mikrophon und trägt seinen Vers vor:

"I was a father all my life, I had no children, had no wife, I read the bible through and through On my way to Timbuktu."

Donnernder Applaus. Das Publikum ist sich bereits sicher, dass der Priester gewonnen haben muss. Doch da tritt der Schafhirte vor und deklamiert:

"Me and Tim, who is my friend, We met three ladies cheap to rent, They were three and we were two, So I booked one and Tim booked two..."

Ein Deutscher und ein Franzose treffen sich.

„We say you Germans never have fun.“

„The last time we had fun the Americans had to save you.“

Wossa, Eade, Feia, Luft. Voa langa Zeid hom olle via Nationa mitanand in Harmonie glebt. Doch dann hod uns de Feianation den Griag aklärt und ois hod si gändert. Grod da Avatar, Herr da via Elemantn, häd sie aufhoidn kenna. Oba ois de Wäid eam am meisdn bracht hätt, is ea vaschwundn.

Einhundert Joare san vagonga und mei Bruada und i hom den neia Avatar, oan Luftbändiga namans Aang, kenna glernt. Aa wenn ea üba enoame Fähigkeitn vafügt, ea muas no a Menge lerna, bevoa ea jemandem heifa kannt. Aba I glab dro, dass Aang de Wäid retdn werd.

Dancing is like sex. The first time you try, you are nervous, but it"s still the best thing you"ve ever tried. The more you do it, the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people, you get to know new techniques. After a time, you"ll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex, you will like dancing.

Please give me a like. I hope you had a little bit fun while reading this. Thanks for enjoying it. 😍

"Homeschooling" is like sex. The first time you try you are nervous but its still the best thing you`ve ever tried. The more you do it the better it gets every time. As you do it with more people you get to know new teachniques. After a time you`ll learn to enjoy it.

So if you love sex you will like "Homeschooling"

Please give me a like. I hope you had a little bit fun while reading this. Thanks fpr enjoying it. 😍

15. Russia Tatjana Mezhentseva and Denberel Oorzhak.

Tatjana and Denberel had a very good audition with cool Leds on the stage. The song was a bit strange, but have a great message and fits the stage well. But I felt, something was missing on the stage, of course there were any dancers and bigger special effects. Tatjana has a beautiful voice, but Denberels voice isnt perfect and maybe a bit powerless. Sorry Russia!

14. Albania Isea Cili Mikja ime Femijeri.

The stage was really colourful and the many leds give it a unique and also magic sense of style. Her song was very emotional and catches everyone with the pretty emotional refrain. But I fell, something was missing in the song. It was really beautiful, but not powerful enough to make it to a big contender. Iseas Voice was very good, but I know that song show not all what she can.

13. Malta Eliana Gomez Blanco We are more.

Her Vocals and Voice were not really great. Her song was also a bit strange and not very interesting. The stage had great leds that perfectly fits her emotional song, but something special was missing on it. I know she wasnt bad, but not good enough.

12. Serbia Darija Vracevic Podigni Glas.

The song is really powerful and have the perfect emotion in it. The stage was pretty with the many leds and special effects that suits the song very much. Her vocals were fantastic and she have a great strong voice. But her outfit can be a bit better.

You can watch all the songs on YouTube. Please a Dislike when you like it.

Deine Mutter ist so fett, dass sie nur noch nicht gestorben ist, weil Hades immer noch dabei ist, die Tore des Todes zu erweitern.