In Germany we dont say "Bye, i have to go now!" No, we klatschen se hands on se Oberschenkel and say "So!"

And i think thats beautiful.

German speakingwords in english:(deutsche Sprichwörter auf englisch:) This is the jumping Point:(das ist der springende Punkt.) I only understand trainstation.(ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.) I spider. (Ich spinne.) You don’t have all cups in the cupboard.(Du hast nicht alle Tassen im Schrank.) Don’t bring me on the palm. (Bring mich nicht auf die Palme.) You make me ready. (Du machst mich fertig.) Oh, you green nine. (Ach du grüne neune.) I break thogether. (Ich breche zusammen.) I‘m standing on you. (Ich stehe auf dich.) Everything in the green area. (Alles im grünen Bereich.) We go trough thik and thin. (Wir gehen durch dick und dünn) This is under all pig. (Das ist unter aller Sau) Do you have tomateos on the eyes? (Hast du Tomaten auf den Augen?) Now we have the salad. (Jetzt haben wir den Salat.) I see black for you. (Ich sehe schwarz für dich)

A little Weihnachtsgedicht When the snow falls wunderbar, and the children happy are. When the Glatteis on the street, and we all a Glühwein need. Then you know, es ist soweit. she is here, the Weihnachtszeit.

Every Parkhaus is besetzt, weil die people fahren jetzt. All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt, kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things, and the Christmasglocke rings.Mother in the kitchen bakes, Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks. Daddy in the Nebenraum, schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum. He is hanging off the balls, then he from the Leiter falls.

Finaly the Kinderlein, to the Zimmer kommen rein. And it sings the family schauerlich: "Oh, Chistmastree!" And then jeder in the house, is packing the Geschenke aus.Mama finds unter the Tanne, eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne. Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in TV, all around is Harmonie. Bis mother in the kitchen runs, im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr, with Tatü, tata daher. And they bring a long, long Schlauch, and a long, long Leiter auch. And they schrei - "Wasser marsch!", Christmas now is in the Eimer.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits!

They say im young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Lets make it happen now and save our planet!

In the school english lesson... Teacher : ,,What is your favourite qoute ?" Student answers : ,,My favourite qoute is "You can do anything.Just get up and do it." again John : ,, Well then see you tomorrow,I'm going home now !" Ps: I would like to do that sometime...😂

A brand new piece of information from the Longwave Transmitter Motala (189 Khz), Sweden: "Gretha Thunberg will reciewe the next "Nobel Prize in Physics" in 2023! The reason why is, she found a dimmer against the solar wind on her sailing trip on a lonely island! Now the earth is forever protectet from overheating!!!" Uwe Schmidt, Neubrandenburg

Bill Gates passes the latest prototype of the "mind-reading-loo" to Donald J. Trump, so he can rule USA 24 hours a day from his new throne. The "mind-reading-loo" is part of the internet of things and connected to all electronics worldwide. Trump checks the new toy. He pisses and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "China gets pissed first!". Trump let go a fart and the "mind-reading-loo" twitters: "Forget climate change, enviromental pollution and shut down the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency". Trump shits and a computer generatetd voice announces: "Thank you Mr. pesident, for doing the biggest bullshit ever! All missiles were launched successfully." The toilet flushes automatically and twitters: "The swamp in Washington is now drained."

I am young, but i know what to do! Time is running out to play Kashoot... Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!

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They say I am young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Its so easy to understand, that the nature is our mother. And like us, she is free, she belongs to no one. And I love all the things, that she gives me. Come with me, I cant make it alone. But together, together, were strong! I am young, but I know what to do, time is running out to save the earth! Come make a difference, we can make it work, Lets make it happen now! Soon ill be too late, i can dont make all alone. I need you know! They say that everything is normal, that the global warming is a false alarm, but i am leave in a sea of green, and the world is full from heat and fire. Its time to wake up! I know its hard but we can make it better. And all together defend our home, we must go further. Come with me, I cant make it alone, but together, together, were strong! I am young but i know what to do time is running out to save the earth. Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!

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