

press conference

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you sure that you will be re-elected by the Corona crisis?"

Trump: "I'm sure I'm the next president again, no question.

Reporter: "What makes you so sure there, Mr. President?"

Trump: "Based on the death rate, the Democrats are ahead."


Press conference: ----------------------------- Reporter: "Mr. President, what are the rules after the end of the corona crisis."

Trump: "After Corona, there are no rules anymore. Buy a 45 magnum. It will be the Wild Wild West "


Reporter: "Mr. President, what are you going to do next against the Corona-Virus? "

Trump: "We are launching DEFCON 3.

Reporter: "What does this mean for the United States, Mr. President?"

Trump: "The ventilators are equipped with a coin slot."

USA - Corona --------------------- Reporter: "Sorry Mr. President, we have too few masks"

Trump: "I've already called ZORRO."

Reporter: "Mr. President, what's your plan "

Trump: "The healthy immediately go to Area 51 and all shops are closed ...... ... ..After 4 weeks we return and normal life continues."

Reporter: "What should people live on afterwards?"

Trump: "So, I bought AMAZON shares."

Englisch kann so schön sein ...

Kunde: "Do you have a four volt, two watt light bulb?" Verkäufer: "For what?" Kunde: "No, two." Verkäufer: "To what..." Kunde: "Yes." Verkäufer: "No" Kunde: "Thank you. Goodbye" Verkäufer: "Goodbye"

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

Der Engländer fragt eine deutsche Person: -How you like our big lake? Deutsche Person: Oh! Schön! Engländer: What a fuck? I have thought, that just a lake is!

By 2023 A.D. there will have been 2 walls built by the new silk road. At bandcamp what did Russel Simmons say in a Russian accent? "The world is doomed. It's the 7th Trump-Pence (Trumpets)

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What is the difference between God and president Trump? God knows everything - Trump knows everything better!