Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Alle sitzen um Lagerfeuer außer Tim der sitzt drin
Sagt eine Lehrerin in Sport zum tim beim Tauziehen setz deine masse ein
Tim stinkt.
Wie heisst die neue Amerikanische Nationalhymne, die Donald J. Trump ausgesucht hat? "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod"
(Original: "Once upon a time in the west" H. Mancini)
Trump-Witze auf Englisch
What does Melania see in Donald Trump? -- 10 billion dollars and high cholesterol.
How does Donald Trump plan on deporting illegal immigrants? -- Juan by Juan.
If Donald Trump becomes President, it won't be the first time he's kicked a black family out of their home.
What is Donald Trump telling Barack Obama supporters? -- Orange Is The New Black.
What did Donald Trump do before criticizing illegals? -- He made sure his pools were clean and his lawns were mowed.