1. You have been challenged. 2. Write your Nickname here. Ok, Go! 3. You're in. 4. Question 1 of 22 answer streak correct Question 2 of 22 multiple choice correct Question 3 of 22 You lost. We believe in you! Question 4 of 22 Write the answer here correct Question 5 of 22 answer streak You lost We believe in you! .... .... .... You have completed this challenge! See podium Drum roll... The results of this challenge are in See Podium.

1. ... 2... 3...You

They say im young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Lets make it happen now and save our planet!

Wehre are you Joana????? We Need you to live!!!!!! We all live you very, very much!!!! And we miss you!!! Come again!!!!!

Rest In Peace Humphrey, A tribute

Bearded-Dragon Care 1540 Abonnenten Back in October Humphrey passed away, and I only just finished making this in memory of her. It was incredibly difficult to do, seeing her videos from the past made it very hard for me to edit and put together so I did little bits every few days. I really miss her, and it was 5 years ago today that I bought her from the pet store, so that hurts even more. I hope you guys 'like' what I've put together for her, and mainly for me to see how much we did together. Thankyou for watching, and if you've read this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

They say I am young and know nothing about life, but when the earth suffer, we suffer on the same time. Its so easy to understand, that the nature is our mother. And like us, she is free, she belongs to no one. And I love all the things, that she gives me. Come with me, I cant make it alone. But together, together, were strong! I am young, but I know what to do, time is running out to save the earth! Come make a difference, we can make it work, Lets make it happen now! Soon ill be too late, i can dont make all alone. I need you know! They say that everything is normal, that the global warming is a false alarm, but i am leave in a sea of green, and the world is full from heat and fire. Its time to wake up! I know its hard but we can make it better. And all together defend our home, we must go further. Come with me, I cant make it alone, but together, together, were strong! I am young but i know what to do time is running out to save the earth. Come make a difference, we can make it work. Lets make it happen now!

Wenn euch der Liedtext gefällt bitte ein Dislike

In Germany we don’t say „Merry Christmas“, we say „wenns dir nicht gefällt, kannst es ja umtauschen, ich hab den Kassenbon noch“.

In Germany we don't say "Bye, I have to go now!" No, we klatschen se hands on se Oberschenkel and say "So!"

And I think that's beautiful.

German speaking words in english #6:(deutsche Sprichwörter auf englisch #6:) That doesn’t interest me the bean. (Das interessiert mich nicht die Bohne.)

Life is no ponyfarm. (Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof.)

Peace, joy, pancake. (Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen.)

We all sitting in the same boat. (Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot.)

The apple doesn‘t fall far from the tree. (Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.)

I’ve got the snout painted full. (Ich habe die Schnauze gestrichen voll.)

Morning hour has gold in the mouth. (Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.)

The early bird catches the worm. (Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm.)

I laugh me dead. (Ich lache mich tot.)

In Germany we don't say: "Depression".

We say: "Meine Güte, flieg doch einfach mal für ein paar Tage All-Inclusive in den Süden, dann geht's dir auch wieder besser."

And I think that's terrible.

Dichtwettbewerb in Australien! Im Finale stehen ein Priester und ein Schafhirte. Beide bekommen die Aufgabe, innerhalb von fünf Minuten einen Vierzeiler zu dichten, in dem das Wort „Timbuktu“ vorkommt. Nach fünf Minuten Bedenkzeit tritt der Priester ans Mikrophon und trägt seinen Vers vor:

"I was a father all my life, I had no children, had no wife, I read the bible through and through On my way to Timbuktu."

Donnernder Applaus. Das Publikum ist sich bereits sicher, dass der Priester gewonnen haben muss. Doch da tritt der Schafhirte vor und deklamiert:

"Me and Tim, who is my friend, We met three ladies cheap to rent, They were three and we were two, So I booked one and Tim booked two..."

UK: We call this Season autumn, which is named after the latin word "autumnus" which means "harvest season".

USA: We call this season fall, because leaves fall down!

2 Mädels reden im Bus darüber, wieviele Typen sie am Wochenende hatten.

Opa hustet: "Schl@mpe!"

Die: "Wie bitte?!"

Opa: "Ich hatte was im Hals. Kennt ihr ja."

In Deutschland sagen Lehrer nicht: „Du musst das lernen.“ Stattdessen sagen wir: „Wenn ich dich das um 3 Uhr nachts in deinen Träumen frage, muss es wie aus der Pistole geschossen kommen!“

Ein Chinese, ein Deutscher und ein Engländer wollen einen Wettbewerb starten, wer am längsten tauchen kann. Der Deutsche schafft 3 min, der Engländer schafft 2,5 min und der Chinese 4 Stunden. Der Deutsche und der Engländer fragen ganz erstaunt: "Wie hast du das geschafft?" Darauf antwortet der Chinese: "Chini Chini ist nicht dumm, fährt mit einem U-Boot rum."


German speakingwords in english #3: (deutsche Sprichwörter auf englisch #3:)

That is Snow from yesterday. (Das ist Schnee von gestern.)

Not from bad parents. (Nicht von schlechten Eltern.)

You have one at the waffle. (Du hast einen an der Waffel.)

That is me sausage. (Das ist mir Wurst.)

Do you have a bird? (Hast du einen Vogel?)

I belive me kicks a horse. (Ich glaube mich tritt ein Pferd.)

That knocks me out of the socks. (Das haut mich aus den Socken.)

Don’t go me on the ghost. (Geh mir nicht auf den Geist.)

Sponge over it. (Schwamm drüber.)

We are at the ass of the world. (Wir sind am arsch der Welt.)

You are very first cream. (Du bist allererste Sahne.)

My deer swan. (Mein lieber Schwan.)